Anne Leinonen
kirjailija / author
Anne Leinonen (b.1973) is a multiple-award winning prominent author, tutor and editor of Finnish science fiction and fantasy. Her short stories have been published in magazines and anthologies and they have won several Atorox awards (voted for by the fandom). She has received good reviews for her science fiction novels, such as ‘Viivamaalari’ and ‘Ilottomien ihmisten kylä’, and especially for the trilogy she wrote in collaboration with Eija Lappalainen, ‘Routasisarukset’. In addition to writing YA and adult fiction, she has now started to work on audio and television drama.
Anne Leinonen moves fluently between science fiction and fantasy. Her texts deal with themes of otherness and unfamiliarity, as well as the problems between a community and the individual. Nature plays an important part in her work, as a vehicle for the story, the stage where the action takes place, and on a symbolic level. Leinonen writes tight prose with no superficial descriptions. Instead, she takes her readers right into the middle of the events and the lives of her characters. The way she uses language displays talent and uniqueness. Anne Leinonen likes to experiment with different styles and often works on several pieces at the same time. She is especially well-known for her skill for collaborating with other writers.
Leinonen is represented by Elina Ahlback Literary Agency and Kumma Literary Agency.
Homepage: anneleinonen.net
IG: @usvazine
Pic: Sami Funke
Introduction / Interview by Aleksi Kuutio (translation Sarianna Silvonen):
Short stories to read:
Corpsecaul, Ghastbridle (translation J. Robert Tupasela)
The Otherling (translation Liisa Rantalaiho)
Page: 26
Atorox-winning story
Standing Gods -series:
The Matchbox God (translation J. Robert Tupasela)
Bibliography 2000–2023
Middle grade
Holtiton masiina. Icasos 2020.
Young adult
Elokuussa minä kuolen. Haamu 2022.
Noitakirja. WSOY 2018.
Kirjanoita. WSOY 2017.
Ilottomien ihmisten kylä. WSOY 2014.
Konejumala (with Eija Lappalainen). WSOY 2013.
Hiekkasotilaat (with Eija Lappalainen). WSOY 2012.
Routasisarukset (with Eija Lappalainen). WSOY 2011.
Devoted Souls – peliromaani (with Eija Lappalainen). WSOY 2007.
Peilikuvarakkaus (with Eija Lappalainen). WSOY 2005.
Saga (with Eija Lappalainen). WSOY 2003.
Neljän biisin bändi (with Eija Lappalainen). WSOY 2001.
Lokkeja rakastava veli (with Eija Lappalainen). WSOY 2000.
Novels and short story collections
Nokkion laulu. Osuuskumma 2021. A short story collection.
Katve. Osuuskumma 2020. A horror/fantasy novel.
Metsän äiti. Atena 2017. A horror novel.
Vaskinainen. Osuuskumma 2015. A fantasy novel.
Pienen rasian jumala. Atena 2015. A short story collection.
Kuulen laulun kaukaisen (with Petri Laine). Kuoriaiskirjat 2014. A science fiction short story collection.
Viivamaalari. Atena 2013. A weird / genre-blending novel.
Rautasydän (with Miina Supinen). Helsinki-kirjat 2012. A romance novel.
Valkeita lankoja. WSOY 2006. A speculative fiction short story collection.
Radio plays
Sadan vuoden matka 1–3, with Eija Lappalainen. Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE 2017. A science fiction play.
Ikimaa, with Eija Lappalainen. Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE 2015. A science fiction play.
Selected short stories
Nahat. Portti 3/2011. Atorox-winner 2011
Oliverin kirja. Portti 4/2011. Portti-winner 2011.
Toisinkainen. Portti 1/2006. Atorox-winner 2007.
Valkeita lankoja. Portti 4/2003. Portti-winner, Atorox-winner 2004.
Stage plays
Kellopelisydän. 2019. A science fiction play.
Translated short stories:
Cărțile lui Oliver. Galaxia42, 2020. Transl. Alexandru Lamba. (Oliverin kirja)
Le Liévre. Quand je ne reagrde pas. Osuuskumma International 2018. Tranls. Martin Carayol. (Rusakko)
The Cylinder Hat. Steampunk International. NewCon Press 2018. Transl. Christina Saarinen. (Sylinterihattu)
O Chapéu Cilíndrico. Steampunk Internacional. Editorial Divergência 2018. Transl. Anton Stark. (Sylinterihattu)
Temná zhouba, uzda smrti. Lesni Lisky. Pistorius & Olšanská 2016. (Tuonenkalma, surmansuitset)
Maid of Tuonela. Never Stop - Finnish Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories. Osuuskumma International 2017. Transl. Sarianna Silvonen. (Lautturin tytär)
The Skinner. Giants at the End of the World. Worldcon75 giftbook 2017. Transl. Liisa Rantalaiho. (Nahat)
Pieles. Luces del Norte. Osuuskumma International 2016. Transl. Tanya Tynjälä. (Nahat)
Corpsecaul, ghastbridle. Finnish Weird 3, 2015. Transl. Robert J. Tupasela. (Tuonenkalma, surmansuitset)
The Matchbox God. Finnish Weird 2, 2014. Transl. Robert J. Tupasela. (Pienen rasian jumala)
White threads. It Came From the North: An Anthology of Finnish Speculative Fiction. Cheeky Frawg Books 2013. Transl. Liisa Rantalaiho. (Valkeita lankoja)
Teislane. Soome ulme 2. Skarabeus 2009. Transl. Arvi Nikkarev. (Toisinkainen)
Tss, tss! tegid need. Soome ulme. Skarabeus 2008. Transl. Arvi Nikkarev. (Shh, shh ne sanoivat)
The Otherling. Usva International 2007. Transl. Liisa Rantalaiho. (Toisinkainen)
Valged londag. Aphra. Skarabeus 2005. Transl. Arvi Nikkarev. (Valkeita lankoja)
Other translations
The Otherling and Other Stories. Kuoriaiskirjat 2015. Transl. Liisa Rantalaiho. A short story collection.